Over this past year, the ENERPO Journal Editorial Team has been working to restructure the journal into a double-blind peer-review publication. Our aim is to eventually have the journal indexed.
As we relaunch the journal in this new format, we are looking to expand our peer-reviewer database. If you would be interested in volunteering as a peer-reviewer, please send your preferred email address, current position and research interests to joshkroeker@me.com and cc drice@eu.spb.ru.
Serving as a peer-reviewer not only helps authors know how to improve their work but supports the advancement of science by ensuring the robustness of academic literature. Experience in the peer-reviewer role is a great addition to your CV by showing that your expertise is recognised by other academics. The critical thinking skills developed in the peer-review process can also benefit your own research and writing. For all peer-reviewers who complete at least one peer review in a calendar year, the ENERPO Journal will provide a certificate in recognition of your contributions.
With best regards,
The ENERPO Journal Team